5 Stages of Palliative Care: Pain Management at CIMS Hospital, Bhopal

5 Stages of Palliative Care: Pain Management at CIMS Hospital, Bhopal
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Palliative Care: 5 Stages of Palliative Care

Palliative care plays an important role in a situation when a person is surviving from a serious disease. This care is not just for curing the disease and managing symptoms Palliative care is for improving the patient’s quality of life. It manages chronic pain and provides emotional support during difficult times. Palliative care guarantees the patient receives complete treatment. In this blog, we will discuss about 5 stages of palliative care, the principles of palliative care, and the palliative care meaning in Hindi. We will also talk about the Career Institute of Medical Science (CIMS) Hospital, Bhopal, which provides the best cancer treatment and pain management for oncology patients.

Palliative Care Meaning in Hindi

पेलियेटिव केयर का मतलब है “आरामदायक देखभाल।” पेलियेटिव केयर का प्रमुख उद्देश्य किसी बीमारी का इलाज करना नहीं है, बल्कि मरीज की मानसिक, शारीरिक, और भावनात्मक कष्ट को कम करना है । इस समय पेलियेटिव केयर की महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका होती है। यह देखभाल तभी दी जाती है जब किसी गंभीर बीमारी, जैसे हृदय रोग या कैंसर का इलाज कठिन हो या मरीज को लंबे समय तक पीड़ा का सामना करना पड़ता है। पेलियेटिव केयर में मरीज के दर्द और लक्षणों को कम करने पर ध्यान दिया जाता है ताकि उसकी जीवन की गुणवत्ता सुधार सके।

जब किसी व्यक्ति को कोई गंभीर बीमारी होती है, तो उसका सामना सिर्फ़ शारीरिक दर्द से ही नहीं होता, बल्कि शारीरिक और मानसिक चुनौतियों से भी गुजरना पड़ता है। इस वक्त पेन और पेलियेटिव केयर का महत्व बढ़ जाता है। इस देखभाल में मरीज और उनके परिवार की समस्याओं को समझकर उनका ध्यान रखा जाता है।

The 5 Stages of Palliative Care

The patient and their family receive complete care at the 5 stages of palliative care and provide support and care during all the stages of care. This stage not only manages the physical pain but also provides emotional and psychological support for the patient’s good quality of life. 

  • Assessment and Planning:
      • During the first stage of palliative care, focus on a detailed examination of the patient’s health, symptoms, and general quality of life. A customized care plan that follows the principles of palliative care and addresses both short-term pain management and long-term comfort is created based on the results of this evaluation.
      • During this phase, the medical staff at CIMS Hospital focuses on the patient’s overall health, seeing to it that their physical, mental, and spiritual requirements are satisfied. 
  • Symptom and Pain Management
      • During the second phase, the main focus is on treating the illness’s bodily symptoms, like pain, vomiting, and fatigue. Pain management and palliative care treatment go together, taking priority at this point. This phase is critical for improving patient comfort, whether through medicines or different therapies like physiotherapy.
      • The healthcare professionals at the CIMS Hospital, Bhopal, are experienced in pain management treatment techniques. In order to reduce pain for patients.
  • Emotional and Psychological Support:
      • Psychological care is offered to patients and their families during the third phase of palliative care. Patients struggle with emotional disorders like depression, anxiety, or sadness related to their disease. This support might involve support groups and counseling, therapies aimed at reducing mental stress.
  • Family and Caregiver Support:
      • The fourth stage of palliative care focuses on providing emotional and mental support to caregivers and family members. Chronic diseases not only affect the patient but also affect the patient’s family members emotionally and mentally. Counseling is offered to the patient family members on how to manage their loved one’s demands while paying attention to their well-being. 
  • End-of-Life and Bereavement Support:
    • The final phase of palliative care focuses on patients spending their last days in peace of mind and dignity. Palliative care aims to provide the patient with the highest level of comfort when recovery is not possible by managing pain and other uncomfortable symptoms. 
    • The major objective of the last phase of palliative care is to ensure that patients have a dignity and peaceful last period of life.

Principles of Palliative Care

The principles of palliative care are built on the foundation of improving the quality of life for both the patient and their family. These patient-centered principles make sure that each aspect of the patient’s health is taken into consideration as well.

To improve patient and their family quality of life. Are the main principles of palliative care: 

  • Pain and other symptoms Relief: Pain management is at the core of palliative care. Pain and palliative care go hand in hand. Allowing patients to focus on living more comfortably is possible by effectively relieving nausea, pain, breathing problems, and other symptoms. 
  • Spiritual and psychological care: Palliative care takes mental and spiritual well-being into account in addition to physical health. Health is vital, but so is mental and emotional well-being.
  • Support: Provide support to family members and caregivers. 
  • Holistic approach: A holistic approach is used to treat patients physically, spiritually, and emotionally. 
  • Communication: The care plan changes according to the patient’s changing needs because of regular interaction between the patient, family, and medical staff. 


Palliative care aims to improve the patient’s quality of life. Patients are guaranteed to get compassionate, all-encompassing care that attends to their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs thanks to the 5 stages of palliative care and the principles of palliative care

Palliative care and pain management are among the complete treatment services offered to patients suffering from cancer or other serious illnesses at the Career Institute of Medical Science (CIMS) Hospital in Bhopal. The hospital is among the best options for palliative care in Bhopal because of its dedication to the comfort and well-being of its patients. At the most difficult times, patients and their families at CIMS Hospital are given the greatest possible support by a committed team of nurses, doctors, and volunteers.

For more information on palliative care and pain management, please contact our hospital at 

+91 93037 00498 or by visiting our official website, Bhopal, Career Institute of Medical Science (CIMS), where you can easily schedule an appointment.

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